Saturday, December 19, 2015

Book Review: Dispensationalism: Essential Beliefs and Common Myths

Product Details
Dispensationalism: Essential Beliefs and Common Myths
By. Michael J. Vlach (Theological Studies Press, 2008)

Unfortunately those who attack Dispensationalism do not go head to head with the current advocates of this particular theological system.  Of course it is always helpful to accurately represent a system you disagree with: Ad hominem arguments and straw men don't help much.  This text is soon to be six years old but it still packs a punch in exegetical and theological truth.  

I would encourage anyone thinking of abandoning Dispensationalism to carefully consider the arguments of this book.

Consider the Book Outline:
Ch. 1 History of Dispensationalism
Ch. 2 Essential Beliefs of Dispensationalism
Ch.3 Myths about Dispensationalism
Ch. 4 Questions and Answers about Dispensationalis

In chapter two, Vlach lists what he believes are six essential beliefs of Dispensationalism.  They are as follows:
1. "Progressive revelation from the New Testament does not interpret or reinterpret Old Testament passages in a way that changes or cancels the original meaning of the Old Testament writers as determined by historical-grammatical hermeneutics.
2. Types exist but national Israel is not a type that is superseded by the church.
3. Israel and the church are distinct, thus, the church cannot be identified as the new or true Israel.
4. There is both spiritual unity in salvation between Jews and Gentiles and a future role for Israel as a nation.
5.  The nation Israel will be both saved and restored with a unique identity and function in a future millennial kingdom upon the earth.
6. There are multiple senses of "seed of Abraham," thus, the church's identification as "seed of Abraham" does not cancel God's promises to the believing Jewish "seed of Abraham."

In Chapter three, Vlach lists which he believes are myths about Dispensationalism.
Myth 1: Dispensationalism teaches multiple ways of salvation
Myth 2: Dispensationalism is inherently linked with Arminianism
Myth 3: Dispensationalism is inherently antinomian
Myth 4: Dispensationalism leads to Non-lordship salvation
Myth 5: Dispensationalism is primarily about believing in Seven Dispensations

Overall the book is greatly appreciated in strengthening the exegetical and theological foundations of Dispensationalism.

May this overview encourage you to remain firmly rooted (assuming you are already) in the beliefs in a Diispensational understanding of the Scriptures.

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