Thursday, February 9, 2017

Many Evangelical Seminaries still believe and teach dispensationalism

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Many conservative Evangelical and Fundamentalist seminaries still teach and believe dispensationalism (or at least its underlying hermeneutics).  They are also not ashamed to be premillenialists.  I am not necessarily endorsing nor promoting these seminaries.  I am simply stating that these seminaries still teach and believe this underlying theological system.  You don't have to believe in covenant theology or amillennialism to be an evangelical or a biblical scholar (although there is a growing pressure to conform to these positions).

To my knowledge (please correct me if I am wrong), up to present ETS (Evangelical Theological Society) has had a Dispensationism Study Group and Clark Summit University (see below) has had a yearly Dispensationalism conference (at least up till 2014).  So even on multi-denominational and seminary levels this is still a serious issue to both believe and defend by academically trained pastors and seminary professors.  Many of these same schools produce quarterly theological journals defending these same exegetical-based positions.  

So don't walk away from these Biblically defensible positions.  There are hundreds of seminary students (future local church pastors and missionaries) who share your beliefs.  Don't get drawn into the cool and trendy positions of big name coalitions and groups.  It won't help.  In the end, you still preach the gospel.  But how the book end does determine  how you live now.  If this is your kingdom here and now then no wonder people leave these main line denominations.

I am listing in alphabetical order the positions of seminaries as I find them in printed media or online.  (The multi-changing font is because I copy/pasted them from each seminary website.  Some of them I just couldn't fix the font).

Bob Jones University

(Taken from Course Catalog for Systematic Theology)
"The application of the principles of systematic theology to the doctrines of Christ, salvation, the Church and the end times, following a biblical dispensational hermeneutic"

Central Baptist Theological Seminary

"We believe that there is a radical and essential difference between the righteous and the wicked. Those who are righteous will enter into eternal bliss with Christ and those who are wicked will be lost forever (1). We believe that the Scriptures teach that at death the spirit and soul of the believer pass into the presence of Christ and remain in conscious joy until the resurrection of the body when Christ comes for His own (2). The blessed hope of the believer is the imminent, personal, pretribulational, premillennial appearance of Christ to rapture the Church, His bride, prior to the seventieth week of Daniel (3). God's righteous judgments will then be poured out upon an unbelieving world during the seven years of tribulation (4). The climax of this fearful era will be the physical return of Jesus Christ to the earth in great glory to reestablish the Davidic kingdom (5). Israel will be saved and restored as a nation."

Clark Summit University ("formerly Baptist Bible Seminary")

"We believe the Bible supports using a grammatical, historical method of interpretation in light of the progress of revelation. Thus, we believe that the Bible is the clear, sufficient, and supreme authority for all belief, life, and ministry."

"We believe in the distinction between the nation of Israel and the Church, the Spirit-baptized Body of Christ. The Church is not the collection of all believers of all times."

"We believe that God will fulfill the biblical covenants made with the nation of Israel. Though they are now dispersed among the nations, they will be re-gathered in the land of Israel and saved as a nation at the premillennial coming of Christ to the earth. At that time, Christ will begin his Davidic rule over the world for 1,000 years and continue to reign in the eternal state."
Dallas Theological Seminary

"We believe that the dispensations are stewardships by which God administers His purpose on the earth through man under varying responsibilities. We believe that the changes in the dispensational dealings of God with man depend on changed conditions or situations in which man is successively found with relation to God, and that these changes are the result of the failures of man and the judgments of God. We believe that different administrative responsibilities of this character are manifest in the biblical record, that they span the entire history of mankind, and that each ends in the failure of man under the respective test and in an ensuing judgment from God. We believe that three of these dispensations or rules of life are the subject of extended revelation in the Scriptures, viz., the dispensation of the Mosaic Law, the present dispensation of grace, and the future dispensation of the millennial kingdom. We believe that these are distinct and are not to be intermingled or confused, as they are chronologically successive."
"We believe that the period of great tribulation in the earth will be climaxed by the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to the earth as He went, in person on the clouds of heaven, and with power and great glory to introduce the millennial age, to bind Satan and place him in the abyss, to lift the curse which now rests upon the whole creation, to restore Israel to her own land and to give her the realization of God’s covenant promises, and to bring the whole world to the knowledge of God." 

Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary

"We believe in a dispensational understanding of the Bible, an approach to Scripture based on the progressive unfolding of the divine mysteries or new revelation from God which results in various dispensations or distinguishable administrations/stewardships of God’s revealed truth, such as Promise, Law, Grace, Kingdom, among others. This approach recognizes a fundamental distinction between Israel and the Church in origin, purposes, and destiny."

"We believe in the literal return of Jesus Christ that will take place in two stages. The first stage is the Rapture, or His personal, imminent, and pretribulational coming for all saints of the church age. The second stage is the Revelation or the Second Coming in Glory, which is His personal and public coming at the close of the Tribulation Period to establish the messianic, Millennial Kingdom on the earth when Israel will be restored to covenant favor with God and to her land in faith and the Church will reign with Christ for the thousand years. After the Millennium there will be a new heaven and earth wherein God will dwell eternally with His people."

Liberty University

"It is to be understood by all through the illumination of the Holy Spirit, its meaning determined by the historical, grammatical, and literary use of the author’s language, comparing Scripture with Scripture."

"We affirm that the return of Christ for all believers is imminent. It will be followed by seven years of great tribulation, and then the coming of Christ to establish His earthly kingdom for a thousand years."

Maranatha Baptist University

"The Bible faculty are committed to a dispensational hermeneutic. In every Bible course we teach and demonstrate a normal, historical, grammatical interpretation of the text of Scripture that is the foundation of dispensationalism. This hermeneutic does not preclude or exclude correct understanding of types, illustrations, apocalypses, and other genres within the basic framework of literal interpretation. It does acknowledge the progressive revelation of God’s divine plan through time. Though various stewardships of revelation are acknowledged, the unifying salvific factor for all people for all time is the necessity of responding by faith to the special revelation given. The consequence of this consistent hermeneutic is a distinction between ethnic Israel and the New Testament church. Covenants established between God and ethnic Israel will be fulfilled in the literal sense in which they were given and received. The unique relationship between Christ and His Bride, the church, is acknowledged and preserved. Throughout all of eternity, the ultimate purpose of His universal plan is that of glorifying Himself. We reject covenant theology, its hermeneutic, and the eschatology of amillennialism and post-millennialism. Furthermore, we reject the progressive concept that Christ is already reigning on the Davidic throne."
Masters Seminary
"We teach the literal, grammatical historical interpretation of Scripture which affirms the belief that the opening chapters of Genesis present creation in six literal days."
"We teach that, after the tribulation period, Christ will come to earth to occupy the throne of David and establish His messianic kingdom for a thousand years on the earth. During this time the resurrected saints will reign with Him over Israel and all the nations of the earth."
Piedmont International University

"We believe in accepting the literal teaching of the Word. “When the plain sense of Scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense.” Therefore, every declaration is to be taken in its primary, ordinary, literal, and its most obvious meaning unless the facts of the context and the well-defined laws of language clearly indicate the terms either to be symbolic or figurative and not literal. Whatever is not literal must be explained in the light of other passages which are literal."

"We believe, according to Scriptures, in the sure return of the Lord Jesus Christ; that this second coming will be a literal, bodily, personal return; that His coming for His bride, the Church, constitutes the “Blessed Hope” set before us, for which we should be constantly looking. We believe that His coming will be premillennial."
So don't fret, worry or be intimidated if you can't (with a clear conscience) hold to some confession written nearly 400 years ago or longer.  I would suggest in our current evangelical climate there are many loud and outspoken adherents of both Covenant Theology and Amillennialism (chances are you already have their books on your shelf).  You are not alone in your theological convictions.  If you want to memorize a catechism then make up your own.  If it needs to be dispensational great.    

Read, enjoy, and take comfort.  You are not alone in your beliefs. 

If you know of others I can add to this list please forward me their internet address.

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