

Hi, I’m Steven. God has given me the awesome privilege to serve my country for over 21 years as an Army Chaplain from the heat of Iraq and Kuwait to the frozen tundra of Alaska. I retire from military service this summer.
I love serving God in a secular ministry where God's presence is needed and where soldiers need counseling and exhortation from God's word. 
The articles on my website are the overflow from my daily devotion study, Bible reading, and simply a growing concern for Biblical Christianity.  I try to add one new book recommendation regularly as well as a current Bible study topic or issue of present concern for the church. I hope God's people will find these resources helpful for their personal growth in Christlikeness. To make sure you don’t miss new articles, you can subscribe by email or follow on Google+, Twitter or Facebook. 
My loving wife, Carrie, and I have been married since 2001, and God has blessed us with four children. Our family stays busy with our local church, choir, piano, musicals, hiking, camping, and enjoying God's creation. Here’s a recent picture of our family:

I earned a Master of Theology (ThM) from Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary (2013), a Master of Divinity from Bob Jones University (MDiv) in 2002, and a Bachelor of Arts in Biology from West Virginia University (1997).

In my other world, my Army education is limited to the Chaplain Officer Basic Course (2003); the Chaplain Officer Advanced Course (2008); and the Command General Staff College (2018). 

It has been a blessing to serve the Lord in many states (literally) my family has lived in West Virginia, South Carolina, Michigan, Alaska, and currently Indiana. It has given me personally a very thorough view of many churches within fundamentalism and even seeing the views of many conservative evangelicals. 

My main thrust behind this blog is because a well-rounded Christian worldview and understanding of the Bible has always included orthodoxy (right doctrine); orthopraxy (right practice); and orthopathy (right affections).

Soli Deo Gloria

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Some Translation Traditions are Hard to Break (Test Case: Romans 1:3 "Jesus Christ Our Lord" in the KJV 1611)

 Some Translation Traditions are Hard to Break  (Test Case: Romans 1:3 "Jesus Christ Our Lord") If you've every bothered to re...