Friday, January 1, 2016

Book Review: Always On (Language in an Online and Mobile World) By. Naomi S. Baron

Product Details

Always On (Language in an Online and Mobile World). By. Naomi S. Baron (Oxford University Press: New York), 2008.

This book is one of many I have come across over the years in studying preaching, teaching, and modernism.  Many of these I have poured through touch on the emerging and missional mindset in broader Christian circles.  I will add books of this sort from time to time.

Many of these chapter titles should be a reminder to us how attached our society is to the world of electronics.  Social media is a part of life.  Businesses, churches, and even individuals have websites telling more than you wanted to know.  I (and most likely you as well) interact with nearly all these chapters on a daily basis.

Consider the topics covered:

1. Email to Your Brain Language in an Online and Mobile World.

2. Language Online The Basics.

3. Controlling the Volume Everyone a Language Czar

4. Are Instant Messages Speech?  The world of IM

5. My Best Day Managing "Buddies" and "Friends"

6. Having Your Say Blogs and Beyond

7. Going Mobile Cell Phones in Context

8. "Whatever" Is the Internet Destroying Language?

9. Gresham's Ghost Challenges to Written Culture

10. The People We Become The Cost of Being Always On

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