Monday, December 28, 2015

Book Review and Recommendation: Not By Chance (Learning to Trust a Sovereign God) By Layton Talbert

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Not By Chance (Learning to Trust a Sovereign God) By Layton Talbert (BJU Press: Greenville, SC), 2001.

I highly recommend this book.  I have read through the book several times as well as taught through this book in a local church to adults.  Many adults mentioned the content was a blessing and encouragement to them as well.

Expect to be thoroughly challenged with the scriptures.  Expect to have the text of scripture as the focus of attention not theological systems regardless of their popularity in evangelical circles.

Appendix E is always a challenge and good reminder to read.  It is entitled, "Salvation: Divine Determination or Human Responsibility?"  For those who have chosen to champion any one particular soteriological  (salvation) grid, don't expect to get a pat on the back.

Consider the Table of Contents below:

Ch. 1 Who is in Charge?
Ch. 2 What is Providence?
Ch. 3 The Preserving Providence of God over Man
Ch. 4 The Preserving Providence of God over Creation
Ch. 5 Governing Providence: A Case Study
Ch. 6 The Mystery of Providence
Ch. 7 The Means of Providence
Ch. 8 Silent Providence
Ch. 9 Problems of Providence
Ch. 10 Providence in the Incarnation of Christ
Ch. 11 Providence in the Passion of Christ
Ch. 12 Providence in the Church
Ch. 13 Providence and Prayer

May this book be a challenge and encouragement in your walk with Christ.  Blessings.

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