Thursday, December 17, 2015

In a Presidential Election, would you have voted for King David?

In a Presidential election, would you have voted for King David?

So would you have voted for King David?  What about Saul or Solomon?  What actually are you looking for as a Christian in your presidential hopeful?  Economic salvation?  Job security?  Someone sharing your views on the sanctity of life or pro-second amendment?  What about other social justice issues (education, equality, etc...)? 

I watched the debates and after Wednesday night's Republican debate I am even more convinced that the Command and Chief of that United States military needs to be a veteran.  A person who has been in war and seen it personally.  Of course, being a veteran myself and having currently served my country for almost 13 years leaves me a little biased. 

I'm listening and/or reading the comments of businessmen, doctors, politicians on my country's safety, military spending/budgets, economy, and religious motivated terrorism and it leaves me awe struck as a soldier.  Long gone are the days when a general like George Washington becomes president.

So would you have voted for David?  A man after God's own heart.  Surely the Republicans will see past adultery, murder, backstabbing and yes polygamy too.  Same for Saul and Solomon.  Would you have voted for these men?  But listen to the candidates verbally thrash each other and (yes, these are the conservative politicians).

Back to the military theme.  Unless the presidential candidate understands what its like having to pull the trigger, then they just don't understand.  Unless they have been in battle staff meetings and actually had to make the decisions or directly follow the orders, then they don't understand.  Unless the presidential candidate has actually had to sit down and think through just war theories before consider mass killing out of revenge, then they don't understand.  I'm guessing to many people this doesn't make sense.  My guess is you've probably never seen the inside of a recruiters office.  Hope I'm wrong on this one.  Only you know the answer?

Even as a God-fearing Christian trying to read and apply the Scriptures to all of life, I must say I'm rather nervous about the actions and attitude of the Republican hopefuls.  Do I pray for our country? Yes.  Do I pray God will raise up his chosen candidate?  Yes.  I just pray God will raise up a good Christian candidate who "has taken the hill" and not sat in an air conditioned off and ordered others "to take the hill." 

Maybe I need to add a post on just war theory.  

May God bring repentance, and revival and blessing to America.!

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