Tuesday, May 10, 2016

SBC, NPR and Biblical Authority

Image result for southern baptist convention
SBC, NPR and Biblical Authority

What do these have in common?

Well NPR (National Pagan "Public" Radio) just did a radio spot on a recent Gospel-based event in Louisville, KY.  The main individual quoted was SBC president Al Mohler (just for those who need clarification what this event was).

I feel as though for those who heard or didn't hear this radio spot that a few comments are needed.

First, the SBC does not represent Christianity.  It is one denomination within a broader Christian umbrella.  Do I personally agree with the vast majority of what the SBC teaches doctrinally?  Yes, of course it is traditional historic Christian beliefs.

Second, NPR missed the boat.  If you heard the spot it was basically saying the SBC is outdated Christianity out of touch with the moral changes in unbelieving society (think bathroom issues, gender roles, etc...).  They also referenced another church here in the area that left the SBC some 20-25 years ago (over some of these same issues).

Third, biblical authority has to be emphasized above denominational labels.  This authority determines what we belief and how we live.  As far as what we belief goes, the SBC has a great deal of this right (think: orthodoxy).  I disagree with the Reformed Calvinistic slant a great deal of these new cool kids have embraced (both in book, preaching, and lifestyle).

NPR could have spent the whole article focusing on the selective nature of social issues within "conservative" Christianity or the SBC.  They could have addressed why only some sins are addressed when it comes to voting and supposed "conscience" issues--but that will never happen.
They could have talked about the cool-kid evangelical card carrying label just leave out the debated issues for academic respectability--you know literal creation, charismatic gifts, etc...--but that will never happen.  Only an informed insider will know of the inconsistency of belief and practice even within confessing evangelicalism.

Perhaps we need some articles on the following (to help NPR understand the SBC or even evangelicals in general):

How about the following: (rabbit trail)

Why evangelicals can vote with a clear conscience for Mitt Romney (a Mormon) but can't vote for Trump?

Why evangelicals can vote for John McCain (think policies he held to when running against G.W. Bush), but still can't vote for Trump?

We could add other past (Republicans) who were anything but great choices but were still voted in with clear consciences.

Anyway back from the rabbit trail.  The other "baptist" church sited in opposition to the SBC was basically an egalitarian and not complimentarian church in gender roles.  It also had a more inclusive view of other social issues.  Biblical authority was selectively rejected.  The SBC does the same thing just like many other Christian denominations and local churches.

Not meant to solve the issues.

But at least don't hold up the SBC as though it represents Christianity.

Thoughts and comments encouraged.

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