The above book cover is from a later addition from 2006. There was also a subsequent edition in 2008. My reviews are from an earlier edition in 2004.
I would highly recommend this book to the many "conservative" or not so conservative Christians within the broader American landscape (at least of legal registered voters).
The arguments and comments we have all endured over the past months are nothing new. In fact many of been held by true red-blood republicans for many years.
This book which will serve as the basis for the following comments was published in 2004. Many of the arguments and comments employed are just as true as when they were first penned (though now 12 years ago).
I would like to list out the table of contents as the following paragraph points with some follow up comments. I highly recommend this book for talking with those of liberal politically correct slant on life. The talking points of each chapter are worth their weight in gold. However I would like to follow up each discussion with some related Biblical comments. Although, I'm sure there are many who claim the Christian title who would disagree with nearly every chapter. So here we go.
Chapter one is entitled, "Find your Vast Right-wing conspiracy rating." So how would you answer the following (I'll updated some of it to fit our current election candidates field) (pp. 3-5) His answers are multiple choice I'll just leave a blank.
1. The person best qualified to choose my doctor, my child's teacher, what to eat, and whether I should smoke is _______________.
2. When shopping, I am most likely to make an impulse buy of _______________.
3. Fill in the blank: The government that governs ________________, governs best.
4. Who was the best president of the last thirty years? _______________.
5. Which nations should have nuclear weapons (nukes)? _______________.
6. Who should own guns in America? _______________.
7. Fill in the blank: Taxes should be __________________________.
8. Before America takes any more military action in the war on terror, we should _______________.
9. The military budget should be _______________.
10. What makes you angry? _______________.
11. Which phrase best describes your beliefs _______________.
12. Who gave you your right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? _______________.
Depending on how you answer these questions is a good determinate how much a card carrying member of the vast right-wing conspiracy you truly are.
Just to see where you are in the mix I would like to give you a small illustration.
A young 19-year old daughter just returned from her freshman year and big secular state university somewhere. She returned home and commenced to pontificate wildly on the many grand things she learned. She boasted of here high test scores and stellar GPA. Her father however noticed her dismay at the hard work she put in and the seemingly care-free mentality of her college friends (who seemed to spend more time partying than studying).
In the course of discussion the daughter began to talk with her dad about her new eye opening view of liberal politics and social concerns. She commenced to continue in disagreement with her father on nearly every issue of conservative politics ranging from finances, war, immigration, gun control, moral and ethical issues, and even religious freedom. He responded with an illustration from her first semester of college. It goes as follows.
Father: "I'm sure you worked hard for your grades and high test scores and I'm sure you made a great many personal sacrifices to achieve these goals on your own."
Daughter: "Yes."
Father: "Are you still somewhat upset with your friends carefree view of their education?"
Daughter: "Yes."
Father: "So here is what we'll do. Since you are so concerned about your friends and their bad GPA. We'll take from your hard earned GPA and give it to those who party and won't study. That way everyone will have access to the same GPA and test scores."
Daughter: "But that's not fair, I'm the one who worked hard for the GPA and good test scores."
Father: "Welcome to the Republican Party!"
Stay tuned to the next chapter, "No liberal media bias? Let's get real."
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