Historic Creeds and Confessions and a Literal Six-Day Creation
It appears to me that every orthodox Christian confession I can find declares a literal six-day creation (not to say the list below is all inclusive). If not this specifically, then God directly made man and woman in his own image. Evolution (in any form) does not appear at all. To say so is academically dishonest. Shame on new evangelicals who try to make evolution fit with their Bibles. According to every standard creed and confession, this is not a secondary doctrine.
I challenge you to read the statements made by the big "Gospel-based" groups. Their beliefs (in writing) concerning creation are not what you think. Notice how much space is spent on defending other views of creation and not a literal creation alone. Is this a historical position of Christianity? If you check out the membership and speakers in these groups it will be clear why a literal creation is not necessary (or even allowable).
New Evangelicalism for years has placated to evolutionary and old earth compromise in their ranks. It infects both their pulpits and their seminaries. Please read the following from a recent Gospel Coalition blog (please note, that creation was not considered a secondary issue in historical church creeds),
"The length of the Genesis 1 days, the age of the earth, and animal death and predation before the fall are all secondary or tertiary matters which must be worked out in ways consistent with our first-order commitments."
I would suggest that solving society's problems, whether social, political, or any form of social justice issues starts with a teaching of Genesis, a literal Adam and Eve, and a defense for a literal creation. As long as main stream new evangelicalism believes the Calvinistic Gospel alone will fix all our problems, they are not only not historical, but further avoiding a cure to help society's real problem with sin. Added to this an avoidance of teaching against evolution and then making room for evangelical leaders who embrace it does Christianity a great disservice. Worst case this is simply false teaching not addressed because pragmatism works.
The Apostles' Creed, "I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth"
The Nicene Creed. "Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible"
Belgic Confession (Article 12) "created of nothing the heaven, the earth, and all creatures as it seemed good unto Him"
Heidelberg Catechism (Lord's Day 9, Of God the Father) "who of nothing made heaven and earth, with all that is in them"
Westminster Confession of Faith, 1647 (Chapter IV, of Creation) "to create, or make of nothing, the world,...,, in the space of six days, and all very good."
London Baptist Confession. 1689 (Chapter IV, of Creation) "to create or make the world, and all things therein,...in the space of six days, and all very good."
Unfortunately history will once again be ignored. New Evangelical churches will continue to teach their people creation doesn't matter. Just repent and trust in Jesus. Don't worry about creation or the age of the earth.
I will in the near future list the positions found within major study Bibles.
Hope this helps those who are confused on the Church's historical position on this issue.
Comments welcomed and encouraged.
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