I pray the following resources help to build up and encourage believers. May these be resources that help Bible-believing Christians to make wise choices in the constant music and worship wars debate.
I am not listing them in any order of value or importance but simply following an alphabetical listing by book title.

***Covenantal Worship. (Reconsidering the Puritan Regulative Principle). By. R. J. Gore Jr. (P&R Publishing, 2002).


The Worship of the English Puritans. By. Horton Davies (Soli Deo Gloria Publications, 1997).
Treasury of Great Hymns and their Stories. By. Guye Johnson (BJU Press, 1986).
***What to Listen for in Music. By Aaron Copland. (New American Library, 2009; McGraw-Hill, 1939).

(Note of caution: Several texts are written by authors holding to positions on music and worship contrary to what this author considers correct. I would deem these to be less helpful in coming to a Biblically-conservative and theologically accurate position on this issue. ).***
Hope this is helpful to someone out there. Comments encouraged.
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