Friday, October 28, 2016

Scripture Memorization: Real Victories and Struggles

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Scripture Memorization: Real Victories and Struggles

Yes you can memorize your very own Bible.  Yes you can do it in different sizes and portions.  Some people memorize very easily.  For others, it is a more intense struggle.  But I would guarantee that for many that say they struggle with scripture memory they can memorize other things (when they want to).  Ask about ball teams, stats, video games, magazine characters, tv and movie characters and/or plots.  If they can rattle these off then its not a memory problem.  The problem then lies with desire and dedication is simply willingness.

If you want to memorize a verse then work at it.  If you want to memorize a chapter then work at it.  If you are dedicated enough to memorize entire books of the Bible (which is possible) then work even harder at it.  One clause at a time, one verse at a time, and eventually entire chapters and books will follow.

It doesn't have to end with some kids club or a question/answer catechism.  Sure memorize lots of doctrinal proof texts.  But why stop there?  Memorize verse for counseling and encouragement.  Add in the ones to protect you from doctrinal error or drifting.  Be securely founded in scripture.

I would suggest there are passages that both imply and directly teach the value of hiding or placing scripture into your hearts.  Here's a couple below:

Ps 119 provides the motivation for hiding God's word, to avoid sinning.  

Jn 17 provides scripture as the means of sanctification (yes, an ongoing process), "sanctify them with thy truth."

James 1 and 2 Cor 3 provide the value of molding, shaping and changing us into his perfect image.

I would plead with you to spend time memorizing your Bible.  Not just reading it.
Both reading and praying scriptural content helps.  But actually and actively engage your mind and heart in the scriptural memorization process.  

Let's consider some detractors or discouragers to this process.

So may call daily Bible reading or prayer legalism.  Ignore them.  Read your Bible.
The same may call memorizing your Bible with the same ad hominem jargon.  Memorize your Bible.
Some may say its of no value.  Memorize your Bible and grow.  
Give the Holy Spirit tools to mold, shape and grow you into the perfect image of Christ.
In the hard times, the Holy Spirit can drawl back to mind scripture in times of temptation and trial. But it won't be there if you never take time to put it in.

You have the time in your schedule.  What is more important?
Have fun memorizing God's word.  Hope this helps some.  Comments as always encouraged.

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