Please get out and vote.
I didn't spend close to fourteen years of my life defending the constitution and it's citizens for you to sit at home.
This is for both those in the pew and behind pulpits.
Don't be a hypocrite. Vote conscience. Fine. Vote via pragmatism. Fine. Just vote.
Don't claim God is sovereign while sitting at home.
All throughout the scriptures man is still responsible for his actions.
How many millions of professing Christians did not vote last time? Look what the results were.
Will today's turnout be any better?
When your church has its tax exemption status taken away don't complain. If you didn't vote don't whine about the results.
As a soldier I plead with you to get out and vote.
I got in line this morning and saw many voting.
Hope you are or were in line somewhere. If not already by mail.
And by the way, Yes I voted this morning in person.
This is just my opinion and I'm sticking to it.
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