Sunday, November 20, 2016

Liberal and Feminist Controlled State (Public) Schools and Culture War on Boys: God Made them Boys

State School and Culture War on Boys

As a dad with two boys obviously I am concerned when Boys are not encouraged to be Boys.
Androgynous political correct speech will not help our boys to become men to lead, provide, and protect their families.  I don't want a socialist game system where everyone wins.  Its a fact.  I want competition.  This same boys grow up to be status quo workers with no motivation to succeed.

I would like to recommend both a video and a book.  Educate yourself and raise your boys to be boys.  God created them boys not girls.  They are not boys who think they are girls.  They are genetically what God made them to be: BOYS!!!

This may not sound politically correct.  Good.  I have no intention on pampering your hurt feelings.
Hebrews 11 discusses fighting wars by faith.  Throughout the Old Testament wars are fought by men protecting their families and conquering the enemy.

Also take a good heart searching read of Douglas Wilson's book Future Men.
Product Details

Educate yourself.  Raise your boys to be future men.  But for now if they are boys.  Then let them be boys.


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