Friday, December 9, 2016

My Plea for Christian Conservatives to be Consistent (Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act)

Image result for national concealed carry bill

My Plea for Conservatives and Even Christians for Consistency towards the Government

Some will do doubt not like what I am about to write.  That's okay.  I am concerned that Christians and (adjectival) Conservatives be consistent.

Christians have an obligation toward the government.  Obey and pray for them.  If you're not being forced to actually sin or actively endorse sin or any manifestations of it then you should be obeying the laws of the land.  The other is simple: pray for your leaders in government (Rom 13, 1 Tim 2).

Now to the main subject--Federal government designed concealed carry permits for the entire country.  See a copy of the article online here: Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act.  Yes every state will once again have to bow down to the laws made by big brother government.  This is good right?  (Oh, by the way I am a concealed carry permit holder in my own state).  So it's okay to make laws as long as I agree with the agenda, right?

Is it the governments job to tell the states what is right and what is evil?  The question is not whether you can carry your concealed firearm in your own state.  The question is not what reciprocity exists between your state and the ones around it.  The question: Should the government make (even more) laws that tell every state what they can and cannot do?  If the conservatives can do it now then don't complain when liberals do it too (or in the past).  Be consistent.

Step back in time before you answer that question.

I ask my Christian conservative friends the following questions:

1. What is/was DOMA?  Refresher in case you forgot.  Defense of Marriage Act.  The government defined what is a legal marriage.  All the states fell in line.  So when this law made by the government ceased to exist what was your response?  Were you upset, cheering, or sad?  Don't forget big brother government and the Supreme Court forced all the states to comply.

2. What is/was Common Core or even No Child Left behind?  Educators speak up if you remember.  Who designed these for state compliance?  Who made certain scores necessary for federal financial aid?  Whether you like it or not, is this the government's business telling your state what they can or cannot do with education?  Be consistent.

3.  What is/will be the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act?  Again, I'm not asking what your own state allows (remember I have a concealed carry for my own state).  Whoever else acknowledges this up to those states.  It is not mandates by law from big brother government.  So is it good or evil?  Is this yet another place where the government is telling you exactly what you can or cannot do?  You decide.
At least be consistent.

I'm not asking you to be politically correct, conservative, or liberal.  What is the Biblical purpose for government?  Is it to tell all the states what they can and cannot do?

Whatever your response, especially if those decision are in your favor or not, at least be consistent.

Comments encouraged.  Enjoy!!!

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