Friday, January 27, 2017

New book critiquing the Amillennial End times view point (From a Premillennial perspective)

New book (published Oct 2016) critiques the A-millennial End times view point (From a Pre-millennial perspective).  Many within the Reformed (eschatologicaly) community feel as those they have a bed rock foundation in their eschatology.

With the continued onslaught of literature against both dispensationalism (historical and progressive) and pre-millennialism, another hero has arisen for the task of again proclaiming biblical truth and sound hermetical principles.  This book is more than equipped to deal with the recent attempts to attack dispensational premillennialism from Reformed writers.

Even though I have disagreements with some positions held by the Masters Seminary I am ever grateful to their steadfast defenses of dispensationalism and pre-millennialism.


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