Thursday, September 7, 2017

Musicals and Morality: Initial Thoughts Toward a Christian View of Musicals

Musicals and Morality: Initial Thoughts Toward a Christian View of Musicals 

No doubt you have heard of musicals before.  Not sure? How about a sampling of titles to spark the remembrance: The Sound of Music, Singing in the Rain, Fiddler on the Roof, or perhaps Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Of course, there are hundreds of these movies or stage performances that are specifically identified as musicals.  Some are books turned to movie, such as Les Miserables.  Many of the lyrics and musical arrangements are simply memorable and are masterfully put together.
I would suggest that is part of why they get stuck in our heads so easily.   We'll use this topic to do a short series on musicals and morality.  If you don't watch them, rent or own them, that's an option.  I'd rather Christians be biblically-educated and exercise discernment.  If it is a stumbling block, then when you come for a visit we won't watch it.  I do not write this because I object to musicals, I've had multiple of my children perform and sing in them.  I concern is discernment.  Cultural discernment, that is.

Here's a thought.  Do we ever think through the morality and/or ethics of musicals?  Or do we simply lump them all together and say no to all of them?  Consider the main male character in "The Music Man."  The character, Professor Harold Hill, is a traveling salesman.  His job (if you want to call it that) is to sell/promise boy's band uniforms and musical instruments.  Being a traveling salesman is an occupation just like any other.  You can sell any product honesty for God's glory.  Right there.  That's the catch.  The means or methodology by which Prof. Hill sells his products is down right dishonest.  Shall we simply call this lying.  He repeatedly makes promises that are impossible to keep.  He remains one step ahead of the law and those who would keep him accountable.

What does the viewing or listening audience walk away with?  Many catchy tunes, either as solos or choral arrangements.  Many of which Christians enjoy to sing or simply to hum along.  Consider our example above.  You would be surprised the number of musical arrangements found in musicals that you either know the title or some of the lyrics already.  How many almost know the tune or words containing "Seventy-Six Trumpones" or "Marian the Librarian" perhaps even "Gary, Indiana."  All these are taken from "the Music Man."  At what point does the movie content cross the line to be less than wholesome for Christian consumption? 

We could go through scores of examples.  Many of which come from musicals which you have probably not even heard of but you know the lyrics or a tune from it.  Imagine how much Disney has done in this arena.  How many Christian children know "Let it Go" from the movie "Frozen" or shall we spell out that long word from "Mary Poppins."  You know the one where the main character is actually a flying magician/witch.  Yet Christians can rattle off scores of titles or perhaps even have a friend, "with a wooden leg named Smith!"

Thoughts and Comments encouraged.
This is only the beginning of this series.

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