Sunday, September 9, 2018

Awesome sermon on Local Church Worship by Mark Dever

Awesome sermon on Local Church Worshipping in Spirit and Truth by Mark Dever

This challenge was given during a Ligonier Ministeries conference back in 2005. It was a good challenge listening to it while home with sick kids and couldn't make it to our church's evening corporate worship service. Dever's thirteen principles of worshipping in Spirit and Truth are as follows and they are just as relevant today as they were thirteen years ago:

1. God cares about how He's worshipped.
2. Worship is fundamentally about God.
3. Worship involves our whole lives.
4. Worship is fundamentally hearing and responding to God's Word.
5. Worship involves our will and our emotions.
6. Public worship should be distinguished from private worship.
7. Public worship is the business of the church assembled.
8. Public worship should edify the congregation.
9. Public worship is not based on a certain music style.
10. Passivity is always inappropriate in worship.
11. Corporate worship is worth preparing for.
12. True Christian worship services will attract non-Christians.
13. Corporate worship is your future.

Listen. Read. Enjoy.

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