Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Book Recommendation: REVITALIZE: Biblical Keys to Helping Your Church Come Alive Again


Revitalize: Biblical Keys to Helping Your Church Come Alive Again by Andrew M. Davis

I personally believe this book contains excellent principles for revitalizing local churches.  Please see the table of contents below and the chapter summaries. Each chapter ends with a section of practical advice which even these helpful pointers are worth the value of the book. The more I see churches around me dying the more I am convinced of the reality that these same church need revitalized.

Table of Contents
1. Eyes of Blazing Fire: Zeal of Christ to Revitalize His Church
2. God Speaks Life into Dying Churches
3. Embrace Christ's Ownership of the Church
4. Be Holy
5. Rely on God, Not on Yourself
6. Rely on God's Word, Not on Techniques
7. Saturate the Church in Prayer
8. Cast a Clear Vision
9. Be Humble toward Opponents
10. Be Courageous
11. Be Patient
12. Be Discerning
13. Wage War against Discouragement
14. Develop and Establish Men as Leaders
15. Become Supple on Worship
16. Embrace the Two Journeys of Disciple-Making
17. A Heavenly Celebration of God's Glory

So who needs revitalization?  Chapter two contains several points to help us all identify local churches in need.  These points are as follows:
1. Low view of Scripture.
2. Man-centered rather than God centered.
3. Lax shepherding of members and no church discipline.
4. Little evangelistic fruit resulting in dwindling numbers.
5. Disunity and bitter factions.
6. Disrespect for godly leaders, resulting in short pastorates.
7. Disorderly polity.
8. Clinging to traditions, stubbornly unwilling to change.
9. Selfish spending patterns.
10. Little zeal for corporate prayer
11. Increasingly worldly doctrines and behaviors.

I personally thought these principles for humbly dealing with your enemies were of great value. They are as follows:
1. Because God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.
2. Because we are sinners too.
3. Because God is motivated to fight for those who do not fight for themselves.
4. Because Paul was willing to trade his salvation to rescue his enemies.
5. You cannot tell the wheat from the weeds.
6. You are not the issue: God's glory is.
7. A humble response to attacks will motivate church members to join you.
8. Your enemies may be right ... about something.
9. Humility will adorn the gospel for outsiders to see.
10. Suffering well grows you in Christlikeness.
This is an excellent companion volume to read with Nine Marks of a Healthy Church by Mark Dever.

Read. Enjoy.  Comment.

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