Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Book Recommendation: Two Books on Peer Pressure and Worrying About What Others Think of You

Truly the fear of man paralyzes too many people. We fear telling the truth because we wonder what others will think of us. Wisdom perhaps in some situations but more often than not people do things to be noticed by them. I would include putting down other believers or co-workers to make yourself look better or even more important (dare I say, even more spiritual).  I offer these two books to you to be helpful and encouraging in this area (especially to those who live in a sub-culture where you constantly think that somebody somewhere might not like you--based on how you act, think, or what you wear).

Pleasing People: How not to be an approval junkie
Pleasing People. How not to be an "approval junkie." by Lou Priolo. Thomas Nelson, 2007. By Lou Priolo

Reviewed by Tim Challies here.
Reviewed on the OPC website here.

Table of Contents

Part One: Our Problem

1. Characteristics of a People-Pleaser
2. Is it Ever Right to Please People?
3. The Dangers of Being a People-Pleaser
4. More Dangers of Being a People-Pleaser
5. You Can't Please All of the People Even Some of the Time
6. But You Can Pleas God
7. Some Points about Pride

Part Two: God's Solution
8. Characteristics of a God-Pleaser
9. So What Exactly Does It Take to Please God?
10. What Are You Wearing?
11. Whose Serve Is It?
12. Additional Remedies
13. Where's Your Treasure?

Appendix A: Prerequisite to Pleasing God
Appendix B: Getting to the Heart of Pride (Directions for using the Heart Journal)

When People are Big and God is Small. Overcoming Peer Pressure, Codependecy, and the Fear of Man. P&R Publishing, 2007. By Edward T. Welch.

1. Love tanks with a leak

Part One: How and Why We Fear Others

2. People will see me
3. People will reject me
4. People will physically hurt me
5. The World wants me to fear people

Part Two: Overcoming the Fear of others

6. Know the fear of the Lord
7. Grow in the fear of the Lord
8. Biblically examine your felt needs
9. Know your real needs
10. Delight in the God who fill us
11. Love your enemies and your neighbors
12. Love your brothers and sisters
13. The Conclusion of the Matter: Fear God and keep His commandment

Read. Comment. Enjoy.

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