Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Book Recommendation: The Compelling Community. Where God's Power Makes a Church Attractive

The Compelling Community. Where God's Power Makes a Church Attractive by Mark Dever and Jamie Dunlop (Wheaton: Crossway, 2015).

The Compelling Community: Where God's Power Makes a Church Attractive (9Marks)

I found this book to extremely challenging and helpful for local church ministry.

A review by Tim Challies is available here.
A review on the Gospel Coalition website is available here.

A video promotion of the book by both authors on the 9Marks website is available here.

Table of Contents

Part 1: A Vision for Community
1. Two Visions of Community
2. A Community Given by God
3. Community Runs Deep
4. Community Goes Broad

Part 2: Fostering Community
5. Preach to Equip Your Community
6. Pray Together as a Community
7. Build a Culture of Spiritually Intentional Relationships
8. Structural Obstacles to Biblical Community

Part 3: Protecting Community
9. Addressing Discontentment in the Church
10. Addressing Sin in the Church

Part 4: Community at Work
11. Evangelize as a Community
12. Fracture Your Community (for the Community of Heaven)

Read. Enjoy. Comment.

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