Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Book Recommendation: Redemption Accomplished and Applied by John Murray

Redemption Accomplished and Applied by John Murray

Redemption Accomplished and Applied

This is an older work but still edifying and power in the defense of a robust view of God's plan of redemption for mankind through his son, Jesus Christ. My version is the old cover 1955 edition from Eerdmans. The picture you see is the new cover edition published in 2015.  The foreword to the new covered edition is by Carl Trueman. This book was a blessing for outside reading while I was a seminary student at DBTS enrolled in a seminar class called of all things "The Atonement." I'm sure if you look hard enough you can find many presentations, sermons, and maybe even a pdf version online for this book.

A review by Tim Challies is available here.
A quick summary is available on the Ligonier Ministry website.
A review by Phil Gons is available here.

Table of Contents

Part I: Redemption Accomplished

1. The Necessity of the Atonement
2. The Nature of the Atonement
3. The Perfection of the Atonement
4. The Extent of the Atonement
5. Conclusion

Part II: Redemption Applied

1. The Order of Application
2. Effectual Calling
3. Regeneration
4. Faith and Repentance
5. Justification
6. Adoption
7. Sanctification
8. Perseverance
9. Union with Christ
10. Glorification

Read. Comment. Enjoy.

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