Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Complete in Him: A Guide to Understanding and Enjoying the Gospel By Michael P. V. Barrett

Complete in Him: A Guide to Understanding and Enjoying the Gospel by [Barrett, Michael P. V.]

Complete in Him: A Guide to Understanding and Enjoying the Gospel 
By Michael P. V. Barrett
Amazon's Overview:
Nothing is more basic to spiritual life and growth than understanding and enjoying the fundamental truths of the gospel of saving grace that center directly and uniquely in Jesus Christ. This book is a back-to-basics approach to Christian living. For Christians, everything—both their eternal destiny and their earthly journey—depends on what they think of Christ. The Bible defines from different perspectives what it means to be saved so that we can put it all together to see how great salvation we really have. Complete in Him examines essential and inseparable elements of the gospel in order to show that all of salvation relates to and flows from the Savior, Jesus Christ. Christ is everything. Salvation in Christ is complete, and we are complete in Him.
A review by Christ Anderson is available here.
Comments by Andy Naselli are also available here.
For those wanting it electronically, is also available as part of the www.logos.com Michael Barrett collection
The first edition was a hardback published in 2000. The new version (2017) pictured above is a paperback version and includes chapter by chapter study questions. I would suggest these study questions are an excellent edition especially when working through the book with family or a local church class. I regularly try to read through this text once each year. It is also on all my kids required reading list. I personally have the book as both hardback and paperback. You can preview sample pages on Amazon.com. I am listing the table of contents below:
1. Condemnation: The Need of the Gospel
2. Christ: The Essence of the Gospel
3. Conversion: The Response of the Gospel
4. Regeneration: New Life in the Gospel
5. Union with Christ: The Security of the Gospel
6. Justification: The Legality of the Gospel
7. Reconciliation: The Peace of the Gospel
8. Adoption: The Privileges of the Gospel
9. Sanctification: The Effect of the Gospel
10. Glorification: The End of the Gospel
11. Assurance: The Enjoyment of the Gospel 
My favorite quote from the book, "right thinking about the gospel produces right living in the gospel."
Read. Enjoy. 

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