Wednesday, March 13, 2024

March 2024 Devotionals

14 March 2024

Plan Seed Now

Today on the M’Cheyne Bible Reading chart you’ll read Ex 25, Prov 1, Jn 4, and 2 Cor 13. Here are some brief comments on John 4. In between his teaching to the woman at the well and the healing of a nobleman’s son is a brief interlude on the harvest. Jesus is teaching his disciples spiritual truth. Here are some basic nuggets of truth. First, stop waiting on the harvest it is ready now. Stop procrastinating and making excuses. The time is now. Second, the harvest is a joint effort. We are not competing. Some sow and other get the blessing of reaping. You may never get to see the fruit of your efforts. Lastly, your efforts will continue what others have already begun. Our secular society is quickly becoming an unreached people-group that has no concept of the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus sows and this chapter shows three explicit results of sowing where you can. It called believe in Jesus Christ. 

13 March 24

How Do I Enter the Kingdom of God???

Today on the M’Cheyne Bible reading plan you’ll read Ex 24, Job 42, Jn 3, and 2 Cor 12. Here’s some brief encouraging comments from John 3. This passage is famous for a Jewish leader Nicodemus coming to Jesus by night (2). This passage sort of divides nicely between two aspects of salvation. In this context, multiple parallel ideas for this happen: “see the kingdom” “enter the kingdom” “have everlasting life” “might be saved” and “not condemned.” Historically, this idea has been divided into two aspects: the new birth and saving faith (personal responsibility). On one side there is the concept of being born again (or born “from above”). The emphasis being God must do this because it is a gift and something mankind cannot do (3, 5, 😎. On the other side there is the exercising of saving faith “believe” “cometh to the light.” Saving faith is the responsibility of everyone “whosever.” It is also a lifelong idea that requires perseverance “believing” (a present tense verb that must continue) (15, 16, 18, 36). It is the imperative of all to believe “in the name of the only begotten Son of God” (18). Eternity with God is the blessing and eternity without God is the condemnation (15, 16, 36).

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