Thursday, December 24, 2015

Book Reviews and Recommendations: Has the Church Replaced Israel? A Theological Evaluation. By Michael J. Vlach

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Has the Church Replaced Israel? A Theological Evaluation. By. Michael J. Vlach (Broadman & Holman Academic: Nashville), 2010.

This book was a blessing to read.  I have heard him speak before on this topic and it was just as challenging.  There is a strong pull today to embrace a covenant-based Ecclesiology including Eschatology.  Especially when many of the coalition-type groups are stacked with speakers and writers of that particular theological position.  I encourage anyone tempted to abandon Dispensationalism for anything else to strongly consider this text.  There still is strong exegetical-based reasons for holding to Dispensatsional Premillennialism.

See also the Review and Recommandation of Vlach's other text entitled "Dispensationalism: Essential Beliefs and Common Myths."

Consider the table of contents:

Part One: Introduction to Supersessionism

Ch. 1 What is Supersessionism?
Ch. 2 Supersessionism and the Future of Israel

Part Two: Supersessionism in Church History

Ch. 3 Factors Leading to Supersessionism
Ch. 4 Supersessionism in the Patristic Era
Ch. 5 Supersessionism in the Medieval Era
Ch. 6 Supersessionism in the Reformation Era
Ch. 7 Supersessionism in the Modern Era

Part Three: Supersessionism and Hermeneutics

Ch. 8 The Hermeneutics of Supersessionism
Ch. 9 Evaluating the Hermeneutics of Supersessionism
Ch. 10 The Hermeneutics of Nonsupersessionism

Part Four: Supersessionism and Theological Arguments

Ch. 11 Theological Arguments for Supersessionism
Ch. 12 Supersessionism and Romans 11:26
Ch. 13 Evaluating the Theological Arguments of Supersessionism
Ch. 14 God's Future Plan for Nations
Ch. 15 A Case for the Restoration of National Israel, Part One
Ch. 16 A Case for the Restoration of National Israel, Part Two

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