Tuesday, November 15, 2016

National Popular Vote (NPV) is an Anti-Constitutional evil Our Founders Fought Against and Liberals are fighting for.

The National Popular Vote (NPV) initiative is an Anti-Constitutional evil our Founders fought against.

This is why we have an Electoral College system (watch the video below).
Once again another factual honest presentation of the conservative truth.

Ten states have passed it as law within their own boarders: HI, IL, MD, MA, NJ, WA, VT, CA, RI, and NY.  And of course liberal DC passed it too.

How did all these states vote in the last presidential election (last week)?  I'm glad you asked this question.


These liberals want the big city states with big populations to control the country.
The small guy blue collar worker will be ignored for the big city votes.  Educate yourself.  Rule by the mob always fails.  Democracy is not the savior of the world.  Please note the ever-repeating rhetoric by the liberal left.  Their repeating buzz words (not post-election) "democracy" and "majority."  These words keep showing up in speeches and on news websites.

Another wonder video from www.pragerU.com

They fought against us being ruled by the mob.  This country is not a democracy.  Don't listen to the Liberal bias.  We are a Republic which needs Law and Order.

Listen to the repeated speeches: "democracy" and "majority" over and over again.  This is what they want you to believe.  The Liberals want you to think this.  They are wrong.  They want to change our constitution to reflect their views.

They are intent on destroying our country.

Educate yourself.  Enjoy!!!

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