Wednesday, November 16, 2016

What Democrats who cry "Democracy" and "Majority" Don't want you to know about the top 5 Issues facing Black Americans

What Democrats who cry "Democracy" and "Majority" Don't want you to know about the top 5 Issues facing Black Americans

Disclaimer concerning video:

1.  I would recommend from a Biblical basis that the top issue facing any person is their individual standing with their Creator.  Specifically, their relationship with him through the shed blood of his son, Jesus Christ by faith alone.
2.  I disagree with the use of the term "race."  I would suggest the Bible teaches we are all one "human" race.  The global flood killed all but eight.  We all have a common genetic past.  Skin tones, pigments and other issues are easily explained through the Tower of Babel and geographic isolation and reproduction.
3.  Other than these concerns, I think the following issues concerning black Americans is spot on.  I wish more Christians would take note.  Some facts are not always politically correct.

Educate yourself!!

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