Wednesday, November 23, 2016

So are the police racist? Opinion of a concealed carry owner who still believes the 2nd Amendment

So are the police racist?  Opinion of a concealed carry owner who still believes the 2nd Amendment applies to me.

The police protect me.  If they are in danger I will gladly help them.  I have many friends in law enforcement.

So are police racist?  That would depend on how you define the term?  It also would depend on whether you are the family member of someone shot by police.  Also on how you define racism.  Technically there is one human race, all made in God's image.

Sadly, the big city near me is again have a trial for a police officer who shot and killed another person in the line of duty.  The police officer was white and the man shot was black.  Just as a reminder, I don not like either evolutionary based designation for individuals.  We have one creator who made all mankind in his image.  Anyway back to the farm.

Check out this video.  What do the actual facts show in relation the the ad hominem verbal thrashes by the liberals toward our public servants.  Why can't liberals just tell the truth.  Answer:  It would destroy all their name calling and social justice rhetoric.

Don't expect the liberal media like (Foxnews and CNN) to report on this one.  Sorry, Foxnews this last election as voided my respect for them and who they hire.


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