Friday, November 25, 2016

Where were the liberals and feminists when proposition 8 Passed with a democratically determined "Majority" Vote?

Image result for proposition 8 equality
Where were the liberals and feminists when proposition 8 Passed with the "Majority" Vote?

In case you haven't noticed from the media or from previous blogs the two keys words readily available from liberals to indoctrinate you are "democracy" and "majority."  The Liberals and feminists want to overturn the electoral college with the popular vote.  Double talk again.

For a refresher you can view previous blogs I've posted on these issues.  Question: where were the "majority" and "democracy" whiners when the MAJORITY of voters passed marriage laws in states across our country?  Last time I checked there were three branches of government to keep things in balance.  There is also a system of voting to keep big population states from controlling the elections.  Guess this is just another case of liberals and feminists trying to avoid accountability.

Remember: the voters (even the MAJORITY) don't have the right to make these kinds of decisions.  Don't forget the Supreme Court overturned the view of the majority of voters in every state it was made available for vote.  These rulings by a panel of judges cancelled the majority opinion in our country (June 2015).

If you check the facts (look at history), nearly every state where the MAJORITY of registered voters chose to define marriage as between one man and one woman it was challenged and/or overturned by the decision of one judge.  Not the MAJORITY vote of state citizens but a appointed judge.

Before the supreme court decision 37 states approved of same-sex marriage and 13 states defined marriage as between one man and one woman.  Or from a liberal/feminist perspective these 13 states had a "same sex ban."  Sort of like the comparison of "pro life" or "pro choice" verbal rhetoric.  Change the vocabulary to "anti-abortion" is the slant of the media of course.

There is actually a movie titled, "The Case Against 8."  The subtitle reads this way, "Battles are won because we fight them."  I would suggest the MAJORITY spoke and were overturned by a panel of judges.

So don't expect this issue to go away.  The liberals and feminists will continue to blow this horn whenever it serves their cause for social justice and their own contrived definition of fairness.

Pray for our country.

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