Sunday, November 27, 2016

The UN is Biased Against Israel (Not a Date Setter, Just a Hopeful Pre-millennial Reminder)

The World is Biased Against Israel (Not a Date Setter, Just a Hopeful Pre-millennial Reminder)

Just by way of reminder:
I am a Dispensationalist.  This means God has different purposes for the nation of Israel and the church.
I am a Pre-millennialist.  God (might) have a gospel-centered kingdom now.  HOWEVER, the entire Old Testament foretells of unconditional land promises and a coming Davidic King who will reign in Jerusalem.

This video is another good reminder of how the Gentile world view Israel (as a whole, not each individual specifically).

Personally I think (at present) we should stop pay the UN's bills.  Other countries need to man-up and take responsibility for their own actions.


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