Thursday, December 22, 2016

Is there no Peace in the Middle East because of building houses in the West Bank?

Is there no Peace in the Middle East because of building houses in the West Bank?

As a die hard dispensationalist that actually  believes God will keep his promises to the nation of Israel made in the Old Testament the West bank issue will continue to divide people.

First, I believe the unrest will not stop till Christ reigns physically on the throne of David in Jerusalem.  Sorry to my covenant theologian friends, we disagree.  Sorry I'm not waiting around for a social justice kingdom brought in through schooling and educating the poor districts of town.  This is not evangelism.  This is not the kingdom as found in the gospels.

Please watch the video below concerning the West Bank from a Harvard Law professor

Stop looking to the UN for global peace (as they define it anyway).  Don't expect to see this on Foxnews or CNN.  They're no help here.

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