Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Bible Reading for 2017 (Its not too late to start reading your Bible)

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Bible Reading for 2017 (Its not too late to start reading your Bible)

Another year is upon us.  How will you begin this year?  Let's begin with a basic discipline for Christians: Reading our Bibles.

Of course I recommend the M'Cheyne Bible Reading Plan.  I and my family have been using it for many years.  This is one plan that has lasted for well over 15 years in my family.

Just want to remind us of some dangers which M'Cheyne points out:

First, "Formality--Let the calendar perish rather than this rust eat up your soul."  Don't turn this into some mindless "got to do it" mentality.  Also I would like to remind us to not treat this like the repetitive liturgy recited without thought.

Second, "Self-righteousness."  By God's grace and help read your scriptures.  If others don't fine.  You get up and make time to read.  God will  bless.

Third, "Careless reading--Some, by having so large a portion, may be tempted to weary of it, as Israel did of the daily manna, saying, 'Our soul loatheth this light bread!' and to read it in a slight and careless manner."

Fourth, "A yoke too heavy to bear--If this be the case with any, throw aside the fetter, and feed at liberty in the sweet garden of God."  If you have to then read smaller portions.  Read less chapter if needed.  But if you have time for tv, movies, sports, and a million other things then you have time to read your Bible.

This being said find a good copy of scripture and starting reading it.
My guess is that you have the time.  Do you have the desire to read God's word?

Enjoy!  Comments as always encouraged.

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