Saturday, September 29, 2018

My Personal Struggles in trying to understand the King James Only Movement

Hyles-Anderson CollegeThis thread is simple.*** I simply struggle in understanding the King James Only Movement. I can't call it a denomination because this one English translation is trans-denominational. I do feel comfortable though calling it a movement.  By simple definition, the KJV only movement exists within Protestant Christianity and has even spread within the practices of Non-Christians, and in doctrine and practice only uses the KJV in their church services. Yes of course there are various understandings of the term ranging from preference, friends, familiarity, language, preservation, and even the extreme usage in correcting Greek and Hebrew manuscripts. 

I write this thread because yesterday I drove past the sign for the school listed above, Hyles-Anderson College, while I was on my way to Chicago. Just driving by brings back memories of reading and experiencing church splits and struggles over this issue. Its almost as if the only way to keep peace on this issue is to say nothing, which ultimately ends up saying only they get to say something from classroom and pulpit.  

Just for curiosity I looked on the website to be clear what I am seeing and here's what it says about the Scriptures. All the key terms are present: inerrant, perfect, infallible, plenary and verbally inspired. I believe the error mainly stems from their next statement.  Where does preservation of God's word exist right now? Do these terms listed above apply to the original Greek manuscripts or to an English translation? Does preservation exist within the original Greek and Hebrew manuscripts or only in one English translation? "God has divinely preserved His words for English-speaking people in  the King James Version. The King James Version is the translation used in any and all ministries...." So to believe this statement, does that doctrinally make you King James Only? So can we also use the idea that someone may believe an orthodox position but be KJV only in practice as well?

Image result for pensacola christian collegeJust for reference, compare this to another Christian college, well-known for their KJV only position. Pensacola Christian College states on scripture, it is "without error in the original autographs" and preservation occurring "in the traditional Hebrew and Greek manuscripts." Both statements fitting within historic Christianity on this issue. Or specifically concerning this English issue, "the Authorized Version (KJV) is an accurate English translation." Again, a good statement but in practice does that mean a student can use another good English translation? Specifically in their handbook students are told to bring a Bible (KJV). Notice the difference between the two options. 

One lacks clarity as to what was actually inspired and inerrant. One also limits preservation to not just one language, but to one English translation, the King James Version. So how should you respond? What should you do? Nothing? Sit in the pew and pretend everyone agrees or only let one side get a voice? If it causes division, is no longer edifying, or potentially sinful, I recommend leaving that church and finding another Gospel-preaching, Christ-exalting church. The following guidelines are not mine but simply guidance from other sources. In fact, some of these same points were given as challenges to a recent Foundations Baptist Fellowship International (FBFI) meeting this year. Click here to listen.

One, do what you can to break ties with the King James Only movement, especially their institutions, camps, and churches. Practically speaking, if your vote is in the minority, and objections not heard, then you are left to vote with you feet. There are plenty of churches that you could attend instead.

Two, do not financially support or do joint ministry with camps and churches within the King James Only movement. Again, similar to point one, if you can't vote, or are always in the minority, then vote with your wallet. There are plenty of churches, camps, and mission boards in need of support.

Three, not doing these above two options give credence to the wrong position. To stay there emboldens their willingness to keep beating that same drum. The older generation has no reason to change because your attendance only encourages them to never change. This is similar to saying, "We're not King James Only but we use only the King James." I agree with others this is supporting the wrong side on this issue and is a very uncomfortable or misleading phrase to use. If your curious who said it listen here

Your decisions no matter what they may be will not be easy. Friendships will be injured and potentially even lost. Some churches will potentially never let you preach or teach there again but that is a cost you must weigh. Be informed. Read on the issue and make scriptural-based decisions on this issue.

***I am not defending positions or discussing historical issues here. I have multiple articles dealing with those issues posted elsewhere under theological issues. There are also multiple books addressing the historical position on this issue. 

Read. Enjoy. Comment as needed.

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