Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Book Recommendation. The Healthy Small Church: Diagnosis and Treatment for the Big Issues

The Healthy Small Church: Diagnosis and Treatment for the Big Issues by Dennis Bickers

This is another treatment of small church issues.  Bickers if you may remember is also the author of several other books especially The Bivocational Pastor. Just a warning he spent 20 years as a bivocational pastor so much of his works that I have read are filled with practical wisdom and experience based decision making. Don't expect a great deal of scriptural text or a long exegetical handling of the text. Perhaps there's a nugget or two that can help in your local ministry.

Table of Contents

1. The Importance of Small Churches
2. The Problem of Unhealthy Churches
3. The Importance of a Proper Theology and Doctrine
4. The Value of a Vision
5. Transformational Worship
6. Acceptance of Change
7. The Ability to Handle Conflict
8. Spiritual Leadership
9. A Sense of Community
10. Financial Health
11. Mission-Mindedness
12. Long Pastoral Tenure
13. Involvement in Outreach
14. Pursuit of Excellence in Ministry
15. Lay Ministry Involvement
16. Time for a Checkup

Read. Enjoy. Comment.

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