Thursday, December 22, 2016

Is there no Peace in the Middle East because of building houses in the West Bank?

Is there no Peace in the Middle East because of building houses in the West Bank?

As a die hard dispensationalist that actually  believes God will keep his promises to the nation of Israel made in the Old Testament the West bank issue will continue to divide people.

First, I believe the unrest will not stop till Christ reigns physically on the throne of David in Jerusalem.  Sorry to my covenant theologian friends, we disagree.  Sorry I'm not waiting around for a social justice kingdom brought in through schooling and educating the poor districts of town.  This is not evangelism.  This is not the kingdom as found in the gospels.

Please watch the video below concerning the West Bank from a Harvard Law professor

Stop looking to the UN for global peace (as they define it anyway).  Don't expect to see this on Foxnews or CNN.  They're no help here.

Monday, December 12, 2016

What it means to be a Father (This one's definitely not politically correct).

Please forgive the title of the video.   I still can't figure out why they called it as such.
I would suggest there is more biblical truth in this video than much of modern new evangelicalism.
Definitely more truth than the liberal and feminist wing (both in and outside their churches too).

Watch the video.  How do you fare as a father?  I'm definitely not the best at it.
Does your wife love you?  Do your kids love you?  Do you love them too?

Enjoy!!! Comments encouraged.

Friday, December 9, 2016

My Plea for Christian Conservatives to be Consistent (Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act)

Image result for national concealed carry bill

My Plea for Conservatives and Even Christians for Consistency towards the Government

Some will do doubt not like what I am about to write.  That's okay.  I am concerned that Christians and (adjectival) Conservatives be consistent.

Christians have an obligation toward the government.  Obey and pray for them.  If you're not being forced to actually sin or actively endorse sin or any manifestations of it then you should be obeying the laws of the land.  The other is simple: pray for your leaders in government (Rom 13, 1 Tim 2).

Now to the main subject--Federal government designed concealed carry permits for the entire country.  See a copy of the article online here: Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act.  Yes every state will once again have to bow down to the laws made by big brother government.  This is good right?  (Oh, by the way I am a concealed carry permit holder in my own state).  So it's okay to make laws as long as I agree with the agenda, right?

Is it the governments job to tell the states what is right and what is evil?  The question is not whether you can carry your concealed firearm in your own state.  The question is not what reciprocity exists between your state and the ones around it.  The question: Should the government make (even more) laws that tell every state what they can and cannot do?  If the conservatives can do it now then don't complain when liberals do it too (or in the past).  Be consistent.

Step back in time before you answer that question.

I ask my Christian conservative friends the following questions:

1. What is/was DOMA?  Refresher in case you forgot.  Defense of Marriage Act.  The government defined what is a legal marriage.  All the states fell in line.  So when this law made by the government ceased to exist what was your response?  Were you upset, cheering, or sad?  Don't forget big brother government and the Supreme Court forced all the states to comply.

2. What is/was Common Core or even No Child Left behind?  Educators speak up if you remember.  Who designed these for state compliance?  Who made certain scores necessary for federal financial aid?  Whether you like it or not, is this the government's business telling your state what they can or cannot do with education?  Be consistent.

3.  What is/will be the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act?  Again, I'm not asking what your own state allows (remember I have a concealed carry for my own state).  Whoever else acknowledges this up to those states.  It is not mandates by law from big brother government.  So is it good or evil?  Is this yet another place where the government is telling you exactly what you can or cannot do?  You decide.
At least be consistent.

I'm not asking you to be politically correct, conservative, or liberal.  What is the Biblical purpose for government?  Is it to tell all the states what they can and cannot do?

Whatever your response, especially if those decision are in your favor or not, at least be consistent.

Comments encouraged.  Enjoy!!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Two Highly Recommended Books on the Historical Adam

New evangelicalism as a whole has caved in on a literal Adam, a young earth, and death before the fall.  Yet they plead with everyone that it has no effect on the gospel or a healthy church.  Yet in droves their young people are leaving their own churches.  It is not the music?  It is not being real, trendy or relevant.  It is simple.  New evangelicalism as a whole has lost their authority found in the scriptures alone.  They want a gospel found in the scriptures but not the historical narratives it is based upon.  Adam was the real first person in a real first historical narrative.  I offer the following two texts for your study.  The church has truly been weakened by years of evolutionary undercutting of biblical authority.  Even worse is the trendy, cool-kid popular pastors who say is doesn't matter.  Pragmatism is still king in evangelical church effectiveness.

The Quest for the Historical Adam by William Vandoodewaard (345 pages)
Forward by Albert Mohler

Synopsis from AiG website, "The Quest for the Historical Adam provides a faith-affirming survey of the theological perspectives on man's origin. Like a crime scene investigator, the author meticulously traces the development, and, at times, disappearance of critical hermeneutical and exegetical insights. This semi-technical book equips readers to stand firm in their faith, and should be read by every Christian leader."

Searching for Adam: Genesis & the Truth About Man's Origin (600 pages)
Edited by Terry Mortenson

From AiG, "
Though there are a growing number of books out on Adam, in this unique book 16 experts present biblical, historical, theological, paleontological, genetics, archaeological, and ethical arguments in defense of the literal truth about Adam and the Fall. In the process you will see the lie that man evolved from some ape-like creature over millions of years. An increasing number of professing evangelical leaders and scholars are doubting or denying a literal Adam and a literal Fall (or at least some of the details in Genesis about Adam), which thereby undermines the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Last Adam, who came to undo the damaging consequences of Adam’s sin and restore us to a right relationship with our Creator. Know that you can be confident in the truth of Genesis and in the gospel!"
Contributing authors are Dr. William Barrick, Dr. David Croteau, Dr. Michael Naylor, Dr. Eugene Merrill, Dr. Tom Nettles, Dr. David Menton, Marvin Lubenow, Dr. Stuart Burgess, David Casas, Marvin Lubenow, Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson, Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins, Steve Ham, Dr. Jerry Bergman, Don Landis, and Tim Chaffey, as well as Dr. Mortenson.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Sad Reminder of the Situation in our Public (State) School System

Sad Reminder of the Situation in our Public (State) School System

I am so glad I am able to home school are children.  I love them and I am glad we make the sacrifices necessary to teach them and to instill in them what is required of them before a holy and loving God.
Your first responsibility is your children not your career or making a name for yourself.

I highly recommend this video for what is necessary to change the deplorable situation in our public school system.

Make the sacrifices needed to invest in and teach your children.
They are not government property.
They are your children.  It is your responsibility before God to make disciples of Christ.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

The Unbelieving World has Unleashed All-Out War on Christmas

The Unbelieving World has Unleashed All-Out War on Christmas

Unbelievers have gone to great lengths to remove the word Christmas for our culture.  They have winter breaks and Happy Holidays but they go through endless lengths to avoid the word Christmas.


And enjoy you remaining days till Christmas.

Some Translation Traditions are Hard to Break (Test Case: Romans 1:3 "Jesus Christ Our Lord" in the KJV 1611)

 Some Translation Traditions are Hard to Break  (Test Case: Romans 1:3 "Jesus Christ Our Lord") If you've every bothered to re...