Sunday, November 27, 2016

The UN is Biased Against Israel (Not a Date Setter, Just a Hopeful Pre-millennial Reminder)

The World is Biased Against Israel (Not a Date Setter, Just a Hopeful Pre-millennial Reminder)

Just by way of reminder:
I am a Dispensationalist.  This means God has different purposes for the nation of Israel and the church.
I am a Pre-millennialist.  God (might) have a gospel-centered kingdom now.  HOWEVER, the entire Old Testament foretells of unconditional land promises and a coming Davidic King who will reign in Jerusalem.

This video is another good reminder of how the Gentile world view Israel (as a whole, not each individual specifically).

Personally I think (at present) we should stop pay the UN's bills.  Other countries need to man-up and take responsibility for their own actions.


Friday, November 25, 2016

Where were the liberals and feminists when proposition 8 Passed with a democratically determined "Majority" Vote?

Image result for proposition 8 equality
Where were the liberals and feminists when proposition 8 Passed with the "Majority" Vote?

In case you haven't noticed from the media or from previous blogs the two keys words readily available from liberals to indoctrinate you are "democracy" and "majority."  The Liberals and feminists want to overturn the electoral college with the popular vote.  Double talk again.

For a refresher you can view previous blogs I've posted on these issues.  Question: where were the "majority" and "democracy" whiners when the MAJORITY of voters passed marriage laws in states across our country?  Last time I checked there were three branches of government to keep things in balance.  There is also a system of voting to keep big population states from controlling the elections.  Guess this is just another case of liberals and feminists trying to avoid accountability.

Remember: the voters (even the MAJORITY) don't have the right to make these kinds of decisions.  Don't forget the Supreme Court overturned the view of the majority of voters in every state it was made available for vote.  These rulings by a panel of judges cancelled the majority opinion in our country (June 2015).

If you check the facts (look at history), nearly every state where the MAJORITY of registered voters chose to define marriage as between one man and one woman it was challenged and/or overturned by the decision of one judge.  Not the MAJORITY vote of state citizens but a appointed judge.

Before the supreme court decision 37 states approved of same-sex marriage and 13 states defined marriage as between one man and one woman.  Or from a liberal/feminist perspective these 13 states had a "same sex ban."  Sort of like the comparison of "pro life" or "pro choice" verbal rhetoric.  Change the vocabulary to "anti-abortion" is the slant of the media of course.

There is actually a movie titled, "The Case Against 8."  The subtitle reads this way, "Battles are won because we fight them."  I would suggest the MAJORITY spoke and were overturned by a panel of judges.

So don't expect this issue to go away.  The liberals and feminists will continue to blow this horn whenever it serves their cause for social justice and their own contrived definition of fairness.

Pray for our country.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

So are the police racist? Opinion of a concealed carry owner who still believes the 2nd Amendment

So are the police racist?  Opinion of a concealed carry owner who still believes the 2nd Amendment applies to me.

The police protect me.  If they are in danger I will gladly help them.  I have many friends in law enforcement.

So are police racist?  That would depend on how you define the term?  It also would depend on whether you are the family member of someone shot by police.  Also on how you define racism.  Technically there is one human race, all made in God's image.

Sadly, the big city near me is again have a trial for a police officer who shot and killed another person in the line of duty.  The police officer was white and the man shot was black.  Just as a reminder, I don not like either evolutionary based designation for individuals.  We have one creator who made all mankind in his image.  Anyway back to the farm.

Check out this video.  What do the actual facts show in relation the the ad hominem verbal thrashes by the liberals toward our public servants.  Why can't liberals just tell the truth.  Answer:  It would destroy all their name calling and social justice rhetoric.

Don't expect the liberal media like (Foxnews and CNN) to report on this one.  Sorry, Foxnews this last election as voided my respect for them and who they hire.


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Feminism has invaded both our culture and the church (How do you identify or make excuses for it?)

Feminism has invaded both our culture and the church (How do you identify or make excused for it?)

Listen to what she says.  Yes, it a lady speaker.  I she admits the damage she has done.
I would suggest feminism has evaded our churches, pulpits, seminaries and families.
It is in our businesses and especially our military.

Educate yourself.
Stand for Biblical authority.
Don't sell out.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Are you overindulging your children? Do you give them "Vitamin N"?

 Are you overindulging your children?  Do you give them "Vitamin N"?

Our society could be dramatically changed by denying our kids the stuff they ask for.
They need to earn it, take responsibility for it, and appreciate it.
This sounds so anti-I deserve it.  Or the world owes me something.
Giving your child everything they want is not love.

Kids who live on parental handouts become Adult who live on government handouts.


Sunday, November 20, 2016

Liberal and Feminist Controlled State (Public) Schools and Culture War on Boys: God Made them Boys

State School and Culture War on Boys

As a dad with two boys obviously I am concerned when Boys are not encouraged to be Boys.
Androgynous political correct speech will not help our boys to become men to lead, provide, and protect their families.  I don't want a socialist game system where everyone wins.  Its a fact.  I want competition.  This same boys grow up to be status quo workers with no motivation to succeed.

I would like to recommend both a video and a book.  Educate yourself and raise your boys to be boys.  God created them boys not girls.  They are not boys who think they are girls.  They are genetically what God made them to be: BOYS!!!

This may not sound politically correct.  Good.  I have no intention on pampering your hurt feelings.
Hebrews 11 discusses fighting wars by faith.  Throughout the Old Testament wars are fought by men protecting their families and conquering the enemy.

Also take a good heart searching read of Douglas Wilson's book Future Men.
Product Details

Educate yourself.  Raise your boys to be future men.  But for now if they are boys.  Then let them be boys.


Saturday, November 19, 2016

(DNC) is pushing for their new Head to be Radical Muslim from Minnesota (Be Informed)


9/11 Truther for DNC Chair?

keith_ellison.pngWe feel compelled to share with you, an alarming story that the mainstream media won’t, regarding a prominent candidate for DNC Chairman, Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN).
If elected to this powerful position, Rep. Ellison would be the first Muslim ever to serve as DNC Chairman.
Unfortunately, this would not be the only “glass ceiling” the Congressman’s appointment would shatter.
Rep. Ellison would also be the first 9/11 truther to be given the reigns to the DNC. In other words, he implied that 9/11 was an inside job, committed by the United States Government, most notably President George W. Bush.
That’s right, a 2007 video has surfaced in which Rep. Ellison back in 2007, compares the events of 9/11 to the Reichstag fire that helped bring Adolf Hitler to power in Nazi Germany. This stunt he referenced was a ruse, designed to coalesce the will of the people around Hitler.
As the Washington Free Beacon notes, Ellison proclaimed:
“Remember 9/11. Right? You had never had all this discrimination against religious minorities but for 9/11,” Ellison said. “You had it, but you didn’t have it to the degree that we have it now. 9/11 is this juggernaut event in American history, and it allows—it’s almost like, you know, the Reichstag fire kind of reminds me of that. Does anybody know what I’m talking about?”
“But who benefited from 9/11?” an audience member asked.
“Well, I mean, you know, you and I both know,” Ellison said.
“Yeah, Bush,” the audience member replied, a clear reference to then-President George W. Bush.
“But the thing is that, you know, after the Reichstag was burned, they blamed the Communists for it, and it put the leader of that country in a position where he could basically have authority to do whatever he wanted,” Ellison said.
This is a statement by a United States Congressmen, and frontrunner for DNC Chairman? All aboard the lunatic train if Ellison should be appointed.
Keith-Ellison-Muslim-RU.jpgAlso, notice how Rep. Ellison’s big takeaway from 9/11 was that it led to discrimination against Muslims. In other words, Ellison is implying that George Bush was secretly behind the events of 9/11, to give himself more power, and so that ordinary Americans would start discriminating against Muslims. Someone check the air quality in Ellison’s office…quickly!
But more striking than this insane theory propagated by a potential DNC Chairman, is Ellison’s ties to radical Islamic terror networks.
Ellison is an enthusiastic supporter of CAIR, a Muslim Brotherhood front group, classified by the United Arab Emirates as a terrorist organization.
Think about that, even a country like the U.A.E that has Sharia law thinks CAIR is dangerously radical!
More to it, Ellison was a spokesman for the Nation of Islam well into his 30’s, a notoriously hateful and anti-Semitic organization.
Ellison also knowingly accepted $50,000 in campaign contributions from Islamic radicals, who openly supported Islamic terrorism and were leaders of front groups for Hamas and other Islamic terror networks.
It wouldn’t just be insane to elect Ellison as DNC Chairman, it would be dangerous.
For Freedom,

ACT for America

Friday, November 18, 2016

What do the Numbers really tell us? Why do Liberals keep saying "Majority" "Democracy" and "Popular Vote"?

Image result for california wants to leave us

What do the Numbers really tell us?  Why do Liberals keep saying "Majority" "Democracy" and "Popular Vote"?  Why do Liberals in California want to leave?

What do the numbers really tell us?  What don't the democrats and liberals every really say?

Let's look at the numbers.

Based on last polls I saw (without Michigan of course).  Obviously, polls really don't want to show how bad Clinton really lost.

Totals: Trump 60,963,480 and Clinton 62,020,451.
Also, based on counties.  Trump won 3084 of 3141 total US counties.  So I guess he won the majority of counties (just not the counties with lots of illegals and minority voters).

The liberals hate this idea.  They only want to count the millions of extra votes in the big cities.  But in total barely enough to make for what Clinton won in CA alone.  This is why they must continue to rant on total numbers.

So technically if Californian wants to leave the USA, then let them go!!!  The Democrats will always lose future elections.  She would have lost over 5 million votes.  No more "majority" "democratic" votes to whine about any more.  Republican landslide.
Let them leave.  Future Result: Republican victory.

President Obama won California in both 2008 and 2012.
President Bush lost Californian in both 2000 and 2004 (and still one the election).
President Clinton won California in both 1992 and 1996.
So out of the the pass SEVEN presidential elections, Republicans have lost California.
Gotta wonder about the value of California.

So let's do the math.  How much more did she have in the popular vote (counting votes)?
My math shows she only had  1,056, 971 more votes.  But lost the electoral college by a massive landslide.

So let's compare the numbers liberals never talk about.
If you look at California alone, Clinton won by roughly 2.2 million votes.  So what does that say for the other 49 states of the Unites States of America.  Trump had more votes without CA.

Let's look even closer about this state making headlines wanting to leave the US.

Both republicans and democrats combined for a little over 10.5 million votes.
So what is California's actual population?   As of last count (2014) CA had roughly 38.8 million residents.  Look at the numbers.  Less than one third CA population actually voted for either candidate (combined).  To be fair there are only 17.9 million registered voters in Californian.  So a little over half voted.

Who would leave the country?  Liberals or Conservatives.  Let them leave.  The Conservatives will move and stay in the country to help ensure future Conservative victories.

How many years now has Texas tried to leave???

Kind of leaves you wondering how many of these millions of disgruntled and winy liberal, feminist democrats are causing the "I want to leave the US" rant in the news.  Let them leave.

How many do you actually think would actually show up to vote for this silly idea?

Probably not the nicest liberal-friendly "politically correct" article, but sometimes the facts hurt.
I would definitely suggest it would create more hurdles to evangelism and/or missions.


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Who are the real political and Actual Racists? Republicans or Democrats? Look at the Actual Facts Not NPR Whining.

Who are the "Real" Racists?  Conservatives or Liberals?

Again as in many other areas of life.  Who defines the terms people are accused of believing?
Who defines what is "racism"?  Obviously the one who wants to accuse the opponent of violating their own definition of the term.

Affirmative Action, Voter ID, and School Vouchers.  Who really makes policies damaging and defining these areas?  It might surprise you.

These topics and more are discussed.  Once again a wonderful video worth your time viewing.

Enjoy!  Educate yourself.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

What Democrats who cry "Democracy" and "Majority" Don't want you to know about the top 5 Issues facing Black Americans

What Democrats who cry "Democracy" and "Majority" Don't want you to know about the top 5 Issues facing Black Americans

Disclaimer concerning video:

1.  I would recommend from a Biblical basis that the top issue facing any person is their individual standing with their Creator.  Specifically, their relationship with him through the shed blood of his son, Jesus Christ by faith alone.
2.  I disagree with the use of the term "race."  I would suggest the Bible teaches we are all one "human" race.  The global flood killed all but eight.  We all have a common genetic past.  Skin tones, pigments and other issues are easily explained through the Tower of Babel and geographic isolation and reproduction.
3.  Other than these concerns, I think the following issues concerning black Americans is spot on.  I wish more Christians would take note.  Some facts are not always politically correct.

Educate yourself!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

National Popular Vote (NPV) is an Anti-Constitutional evil Our Founders Fought Against and Liberals are fighting for.

The National Popular Vote (NPV) initiative is an Anti-Constitutional evil our Founders fought against.

This is why we have an Electoral College system (watch the video below).
Once again another factual honest presentation of the conservative truth.

Ten states have passed it as law within their own boarders: HI, IL, MD, MA, NJ, WA, VT, CA, RI, and NY.  And of course liberal DC passed it too.

How did all these states vote in the last presidential election (last week)?  I'm glad you asked this question.


These liberals want the big city states with big populations to control the country.
The small guy blue collar worker will be ignored for the big city votes.  Educate yourself.  Rule by the mob always fails.  Democracy is not the savior of the world.  Please note the ever-repeating rhetoric by the liberal left.  Their repeating buzz words (not post-election) "democracy" and "majority."  These words keep showing up in speeches and on news websites.

Another wonder video from

They fought against us being ruled by the mob.  This country is not a democracy.  Don't listen to the Liberal bias.  We are a Republic which needs Law and Order.

Listen to the repeated speeches: "democracy" and "majority" over and over again.  This is what they want you to believe.  The Liberals want you to think this.  They are wrong.  They want to change our constitution to reflect their views.

They are intent on destroying our country.

Educate yourself.  Enjoy!!!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Here's What the Liberals and Feminists Don't want you to know about the Electoral College

Why the Electoral College System of our Country's Founders is so important and why a majority rule (democracy) will never work.

This as many other wonderful (fact-filled) videos are available at

Others have posted this link.  But taking into consideration the liberal, feminist left-wing is petitioning to overturn the election results and to strong arm and threaten the upcoming electoral college vote this even more important.

Educate yourself and Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Soldiers like me did not serve for you to sit at home and not vote.

Please get out and vote.
I didn't spend close to fourteen years of my life defending the constitution and it's citizens for you to sit at home.

This is for both those in the pew and behind pulpits.
Don't be a hypocrite.  Vote conscience.  Fine.  Vote via pragmatism. Fine.  Just vote.
Don't claim God is sovereign while sitting at home.
All throughout the scriptures man is still responsible for his actions.

How many millions of professing Christians did not vote last time?  Look what the results were.
Will today's turnout be any better?

When your church has its tax exemption status taken away don't complain.  If you didn't vote don't whine about the results.

As a soldier I plead with you to get out and vote.
I got in line this morning and saw many voting.
Hope you are or were in line somewhere.  If not already by mail.

And by the way, Yes I voted this morning in person.

This is just my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Book Recommendation: The Creedal Imperative by. Carl R. Trueman

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The Creedal Imperative by Carl R. Trueman (Crossway, 2012).

The mantra for many within new evangelical circles for years has been something like this: "We have no creed but the Bible."  What this usually means is that they don't want be bound down or held accountable for believing a doctrinal statement.  Churches, Seminary, and a multitude of para-church ministries have to deal with these types of issues involving their employees and/or staff.  They represent something or actually believe something and actually have the audacity to expect their staff (which they pay) to agree with their doctrinal views.  Complicate this matter even more with big name evangelicals calling it "sinful" to have doctrinal views or to actually place expectations upon church members.

Sadly, many who profess the name of Christ do not want to be held accountable.  Worst case for these people is to hold them to any forms of historical standards whether creed or confession.  How many questions during a discussion or during a Sunday School class could be avoided if people were simply taught the simple beliefs of the church.

Do this on a simple level like the Nicene or Apostles creed.  Basic concepts to be taught.  Talk through the differences where local churches do not agree.  Look at where church history has spoken and where denominational lines have been drawn.  And it does no one a great service to pretend there are not differences or to think that many of these differences don't matter.

I do not endorse all the beliefs of the author but for this book in its specific application to church creeds and confessions I recommend it.  Teach your children before someone else does.

Comments of course as always encouraged.

Some Translation Traditions are Hard to Break (Test Case: Romans 1:3 "Jesus Christ Our Lord" in the KJV 1611)

 Some Translation Traditions are Hard to Break  (Test Case: Romans 1:3 "Jesus Christ Our Lord") If you've every bothered to re...